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Za Spiritus je već zainteresirano 4000 kupaca, a razlog je itekako zanimljiv
Izvor: Daymak/MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia
Prvi automobil na svijetu rudari kriptovalute te tako i zarađuje čak i dok je parkiran. Spiritus, iza kojeg stoji kanadska tvrtka Daymak, imat će procesor koji podržava sustav (za koji se čeka odobrenje za patent) pod nazivom Daymak Nebula.
Izvor: Daymak/MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia
Novo lagano električno vozilo bit će opremljeno visokotehnološkim rudarskim hardverom i blockchain tehnologijom koja će mu omogućiti „kopanje“ kriptovaluta, od Bitcoina do Dogecoina - dok se pune baterije vozila.
Rudarstvo je način zarade kriptovaluta rješavanjem kriptografskih jednadžbi i algoritama putem računala, uključujući i ovaj na futurističkom vozilu s tri točka. Za Spiritus već postoji više od 4000 predbilježbi.
Izvor: Daymak/MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia
Vozilo se puni (i) na suncu, preko solarnih panela, ima 150 KS, doseg s jednim punjenjem do 400 km, a od 0 do 96 km/h ubrzava za 1,8 sekundi. Dakle, ima ubrzanje poput nedavno predstavljenog hyper automobila Rimac Nevera. Baterija se puni za samo dva sata, a nadopunjava se preko solarnih panela.
Dvosjed Daymak Spiritus imat će opcijski autonomnu vožnju, Wi-Fi, klima uređaj, stereo sustav s 12 zvučnika, GPS sustav. Isporuke započinju u 2023. godini, a cijena za standardnu izvedbu starta od 18.495 dolara. Deluxe verzija će imati cijenu 149.000 USD.
This is the worlds first car that mines cryptocurrency - making drivers money while it is parked.
The new light electric vehicle will be equipped with high-tech mining hardware and blockchain technology that will allow it to mine cryptocurrency from Bitcoin to Dogecoin while it is charging.
Mining is a way of earning cryptocurrencies by solving cryptographic equations and algorithms through computers, including the one onboard the futuristic three-wheeler.
Called the Spiritus, it is being built by Canadian company Daymak and has received more than 4,000 pre-orders so far.
It will include a processor that supports a patent-pending system known as the Daymak Nebula. The Nebula comprises a miner that collects the coins and a digital wallet that stores them for future use.
Daymak president Aldo Baiocchi said: We envision a future where your highway tolls, your parking and your drive-thru order will be paid directly on the fly with crypto. Your online bills and your banking can be handled through the same software platform paid in crypto.
And whereas most vehicles are depreciating while they sit in your garage, the Nebula miner will make you money while your Spiritus is parked.
The Spiritus is also fitted with solar panels, which means the mining can be done using renewable energy rather than traditional fossil fuels.
Its top-of-the-range Ultimate model is said to go from 0-60mph in 1.8 seconds and reach a top speed of more than 130mph.
Daymak says the Spiritus can cover 300 miles and charge in less than two hours.
It is expected to launch in 2023. The standard Deluxe model costs around $20,000, while the Ultimate is $149,000.
09 Jun 2021,Image: 614875266, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Daymak/MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia
This is the worlds first car that mines cryptocurrency - making drivers money while it is parked.
The new light electric vehicle will be equipped with high-tech mining hardware and blockchain technology that will allow it to mine cryptocurrency from Bitcoin to Dogecoin while it is charging.
Mining is a way of earning cryptocurrencies by solving cryptographic equations and algorithms through computers, including the one onboard the futuristic three-wheeler.
Called the Spiritus, it is being built by Canadian company Daymak and has received more than 4,000 pre-orders so far.
It will include a processor that supports a patent-pending system known as the Daymak Nebula. The Nebula comprises a miner that collects the coins and a digital wallet that stores them for future use.
Daymak president Aldo Baiocchi said: We envision a future where your highway tolls, your parking and your drive-thru order will be paid directly on the fly with crypto. Your online bills and your banking can be handled through the same software platform paid in crypto.
And whereas most vehicles are depreciating while they sit in your garage, the Nebula miner will make you money while your Spiritus is parked.
The Spiritus is also fitted with solar panels, which means the mining can be done using renewable energy rather than traditional fossil fuels.
Its top-of-the-range Ultimate model is said to go from 0-60mph in 1.8 seconds and reach a top speed of more than 130mph.
Daymak says the Spiritus can cover 300 miles and charge in less than two hours.
It is expected to launch in 2023. The standard Deluxe model costs around $20,000, while the Ultimate is $149,000.
09 Jun 2021,Image: 614875267, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Daymak/MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia
This is the worlds first car that mines cryptocurrency - making drivers money while it is parked.
The new light electric vehicle will be equipped with high-tech mining hardware and blockchain technology that will allow it to mine cryptocurrency from Bitcoin to Dogecoin while it is charging.
Mining is a way of earning cryptocurrencies by solving cryptographic equations and algorithms through computers, including the one onboard the futuristic three-wheeler.
Called the Spiritus, it is being built by Canadian company Daymak and has received more than 4,000 pre-orders so far.
It will include a processor that supports a patent-pending system known as the Daymak Nebula. The Nebula comprises a miner that collects the coins and a digital wallet that stores them for future use.
Daymak president Aldo Baiocchi said: We envision a future where your highway tolls, your parking and your drive-thru order will be paid directly on the fly with crypto. Your online bills and your banking can be handled through the same software platform paid in crypto.
And whereas most vehicles are depreciating while they sit in your garage, the Nebula miner will make you money while your Spiritus is parked.
The Spiritus is also fitted with solar panels, which means the mining can be done using renewable energy rather than traditional fossil fuels.
Its top-of-the-range Ultimate model is said to go from 0-60mph in 1.8 seconds and reach a top speed of more than 130mph.
Daymak says the Spiritus can cover 300 miles and charge in less than two hours.
It is expected to launch in 2023. The standard Deluxe model costs around $20,000, while the Ultimate is $149,000.
09 Jun 2021,Image: 614875344, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Daymak/MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia
This is the worlds first car that mines cryptocurrency - making drivers money while it is parked.
The new light electric vehicle will be equipped with high-tech mining hardware and blockchain technology that will allow it to mine cryptocurrency from Bitcoin to Dogecoin while it is charging.
Mining is a way of earning cryptocurrencies by solving cryptographic equations and algorithms through computers, including the one onboard the futuristic three-wheeler.
Called the Spiritus, it is being built by Canadian company Daymak and has received more than 4,000 pre-orders so far.
It will include a processor that supports a patent-pending system known as the Daymak Nebula. The Nebula comprises a miner that collects the coins and a digital wallet that stores them for future use.
Daymak president Aldo Baiocchi said: We envision a future where your highway tolls, your parking and your drive-thru order will be paid directly on the fly with crypto. Your online bills and your banking can be handled through the same software platform paid in crypto.
And whereas most vehicles are depreciating while they sit in your garage, the Nebula miner will make you money while your Spiritus is parked.
The Spiritus is also fitted with solar panels, which means the mining can be done using renewable energy rather than traditional fossil fuels.
Its top-of-the-range Ultimate model is said to go from 0-60mph in 1.8 seconds and reach a top speed of more than 130mph.
Daymak says the Spiritus can cover 300 miles and charge in less than two hours.
It is expected to launch in 2023. The standard Deluxe model costs around $20,000, while the Ultimate is $149,000.
09 Jun 2021,Image: 614875347, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Daymak/MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia