Hvala što ste potrošili pet minuta vašeg potpuno beznačajnog vremena, na potpuno besmislenu radnju slanja ovog teksta. Budite sigurni da se on najverovatnije neće nikad pojaviti u medijima jer niti imamo vremena niti imamo želju da se bavimo. vašim glupostima.
Bestežinski osjećaj pružit će vam jakna koju je dizajnirao talijanski dizajner Andrew Kostman
Izvor: Profimedia
Ako ste se zapalili za Flying Jacket, možda će vas ohladiti početna cijena za jaknu od 10.000 američkih dolara. Puno? Možda!
Naime, ukupno će biti dostupno samo 100 primjeraka, dakle u limitiranoj ediciji, ali za jaknu punjenu helijem predbilježilo se njih 240. U ponudi će biti šest boja: Rainbow N, Vanta, Rose, Gold, Ice i Silver. Želite li se i vi predbilježiti, možete to učiniti na ovom linku.
JAKNA ISPUNJENA HELIJEM Imat ćete osjećaj kao da lebdite
Ferrari Press Agency
Jacket 1
Ref 12887
See Ferrari text
Pictures must credit:Andrew Kostman
Here’s a fashion statement to make wearers feel like they are walking on air.It's a puffer filled with helium.And when it is not being worn, it is light enough to float like a balloon.But with a price tag of $10,000 USD, buyers should make sure they have a good grip on it.Despite limiting the number to 100, he has 240 people who have pledged on pre-orders.The jacket has been designed by Italy-based designer Andrew Kostman. The jacket is called the Helium-10000 and has been stitched together by Japanese craftsmen.It is developed with what is described as an ultra-light “top secret” material designed to withstand the pressure of the helium used to inflate it. Buyers will get a cylinder of helium gas included in the packing that will allow several refills. Kostman said he was inspired after seeing a floating balloon being carried by a child.
OPS: The Helium-10000 puffer jacket will be available in a choice of colours for the 100 lucky buyers
Picture supplied by Ferrari,Image: 608731499, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Andrew Kostman / Ferrari / Profimedia
Ferrari Press Agency
Jacket 1
Ref 12887
See Ferrari text
Pictures must credit:Andrew Kostman
Here’s a fashion statement to make wearers feel like they are walking on air.It's a puffer filled with helium.And when it is not being worn, it is light enough to float like a balloon.But with a price tag of $10,000 USD, buyers should make sure they have a good grip on it.Despite limiting the number to 100, he has 240 people who have pledged on pre-orders.The jacket has been designed by Italy-based designer Andrew Kostman. The jacket is called the Helium-10000 and has been stitched together by Japanese craftsmen.It is developed with what is described as an ultra-light “top secret” material designed to withstand the pressure of the helium used to inflate it. Buyers will get a cylinder of helium gas included in the packing that will allow several refills. Kostman said he was inspired after seeing a floating balloon being carried by a child.
OPS: The Helium-10000 puffer jacket will be available in a choice of colours for the 100 lucky buyers
Picture supplied by Ferrari,Image: 608731507, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Andrew Kostman / Ferrari / Profimedia
Ferrari Press Agency
Jacket 1
Ref 12887
See Ferrari text
Pictures must credit:Andrew Kostman
Here’s a fashion statement to make wearers feel like they are walking on air.It's a puffer filled with helium.And when it is not being worn, it is light enough to float like a balloon.But with a price tag of $10,000 USD, buyers should make sure they have a good grip on it.Despite limiting the number to 100, he has 240 people who have pledged on pre-orders.The jacket has been designed by Italy-based designer Andrew Kostman. The jacket is called the Helium-10000 and has been stitched together by Japanese craftsmen.It is developed with what is described as an ultra-light “top secret” material designed to withstand the pressure of the helium used to inflate it. Buyers will get a cylinder of helium gas included in the packing that will allow several refills. Kostman said he was inspired after seeing a floating balloon being carried by a child.
OPS: The Helium-10000 puffer jacket will be available in a choice of colours for the 100 lucky buyers
Picture supplied by Ferrari,Image: 608731973, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Andrew Kostman / Ferrari / Profimedia
Ferrari Press Agency
Jacket 1
Ref 12887
See Ferrari text
Pictures must credit:Andrew Kostman
Here’s a fashion statement to make wearers feel like they are walking on air.It's a puffer filled with helium.And when it is not being worn, it is light enough to float like a balloon.But with a price tag of $10,000 USD, buyers should make sure they have a good grip on it.Despite limiting the number to 100, he has 240 people who have pledged on pre-orders.The jacket has been designed by Italy-based designer Andrew Kostman. The jacket is called the Helium-10000 and has been stitched together by Japanese craftsmen.It is developed with what is described as an ultra-light “top secret” material designed to withstand the pressure of the helium used to inflate it. Buyers will get a cylinder of helium gas included in the packing that will allow several refills. Kostman said he was inspired after seeing a floating balloon being carried by a child.
OPS: The Helium-10000 puffer jacket will be available in a choice of colours for the 100 lucky buyers
Picture supplied by Ferrari,Image: 608731982, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Andrew Kostman / Ferrari / Profimedia
Ferrari Press Agency
Jacket 1
Ref 12887
See Ferrari text
Pictures must credit:Andrew Kostman
Here’s a fashion statement to make wearers feel like they are walking on air.It's a puffer filled with helium.And when it is not being worn, it is light enough to float like a balloon.But with a price tag of $10,000 USD, buyers should make sure they have a good grip on it.Despite limiting the number to 100, he has 240 people who have pledged on pre-orders.The jacket has been designed by Italy-based designer Andrew Kostman. The jacket is called the Helium-10000 and has been stitched together by Japanese craftsmen.It is developed with what is described as an ultra-light “top secret” material designed to withstand the pressure of the helium used to inflate it. Buyers will get a cylinder of helium gas included in the packing that will allow several refills. Kostman said he was inspired after seeing a floating balloon being carried by a child.
OPS: The Helium-10000 puffer jacket will be available in a choice of colours for the 100 lucky buyers
Picture supplied by Ferrari,Image: 608732011, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Andrew Kostman / Ferrari / Profimedia
Sretnici koji kupe jaknu imat će osjećaj kao da hodaju po zraku. Sad shvaćate zašto toliko košta? A kad se jakna ne nosi na sebi nego u ruci, lagana je poput balona. Jakna je dizajnirana u Italiji, ali je izrađena u Japanu, a ideja za jaknu dolazi od djeteta koje nosi balon.
Za punjenje jakne koristi se helij-10000, a jakna je izrađena od materijala dizajniranog da izdrži pritisak koji stvara helij. Ako se helij ispuše iz jakne, u pakiranju uz jaknu kupci će dobiti set za nekoliko punjenja.
Izvor: Profimedia
Ideja je u suštini jednostavna i inovativna, a u kombinaciji s bezvremenskim dizajnom zasigurno će ubrzo biti razgrabljena, sudeći po interesu. Ipak, „leteća jakna“ još uvijek se testira, ali je nakon više mjeseci razvoja spremna za predstavljanje.
Zanima vas tko je Andrew Kostman? Živi u talijanskom gradiću Lanciano, budi se između planina i mora te tako pronalazi inspiraciju za svoje bezvremenske ideje i ljepotu. Ne zadovoljava se samo onim što vidi nego uvijek traži nešto više, skriveno od naših očiju, ali vidljivo našoj duši. Uz znatiželju, gaji ljubav prema mačkama i prema slatkišima.