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Čim ovo gusari i pirati vide mogli bi se uplašiti i petama „dati vjetra“
Izvor: Profimedia
Britanski kraljevski marinci demonstrirali su novi način na koji planiraju pobijediti gusare i pirate, nakon što se dogodi otmica – uz jetpack koji će koristiti za ukrcaj na otete brodove.
Izvor: Profimedia
Izvor: Profimedia
U demonstraciji je korišten jetpack britanskog Gravity Industries. Vidi se kako marinac bez napora odlazi u nebo iz jednog glisera u koloni. Nakon slijetanja na palubu broda Kraljevske mornarice HMS Tamar, marinac baca ljestve kako bi se i ostatak zapovjedništva popeo na brod. Gravity's mlazno odijelo koristi četiri mlazna motora postavljena na leđa i leđa kako bi proizvelo preko 1000 potisnih snaga.
Marinac na sebi ima mlazno odijelo koje koristi četiri mlazna motora postavljena na leđa te se uz potisak veći od 1000 KS nakon dizanja u zrak ukrcava na oteti brod. Radi se o vojnoj vježbi u kojoj član elitnih borbenih snaga pokazuje kako će u budućnosti izgledati vraćanje otetih teretnih brodova i tankera s naftom
Dugi niz godina pirati na otvorenom moru i oceanu otimaju različita plovila, a uz krađu sadržaja s brodova vrlo česte su i otmice ljudi zbog traženja otkupnine.
JETPACK DEMONSTRACIJA Marinci će ovime gusarima utjerati strah pod kožu
Ferrari Press Agency
Marines 1
Ref 12894
See Ferrari text
Pictures must credit: Gravity Industries
Britain’s Royal Marines are taking to the air in a new way to bard a ship using a jetpack.A member of the elite fighting force demonstrated zipping from a powerboat onto the deck of warship using a jet engine-powered suit.The military exercise was to show in the future the force may deal with incidents such as pirates hijacking cargo vessels and oil tankers.The demonstration used a jetpack from UK developer Gravity Industries.The marine is seen effortlessly taking to the skies from one speed boat in a convoy.After landing on deck of the Royal Navy ship HMS Tamar, he throws down a rope ladder for then rest of the command to climb aboard.Gravity’s jet suit uses four arm- and back-mounted jet engines to produce over 1000 horsepower of thrust. TThe wearer can adjust their speed and trajectory by changing the position of their arms.Gravity Industries has quickly emerged as one of the biggest players in the jetpack field.The jet suit technology is being tested by emergency services such as paramedics and fire fighters as well as and military forces around the world.
OPS: The jetpack marine takes off from a speedboat convoy and heads for the ship
Picture supplied by Ferrari,Image: 609209591, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Gravity Industries / Ferrari / Profimedia
Ferrari Press Agency
Marines 1
Ref 12894
See Ferrari text
Pictures must credit: Gravity Industries
Britain’s Royal Marines are taking to the air in a new way to bard a ship using a jetpack.A member of the elite fighting force demonstrated zipping from a powerboat onto the deck of warship using a jet engine-powered suit.The military exercise was to show in the future the force may deal with incidents such as pirates hijacking cargo vessels and oil tankers.The demonstration used a jetpack from UK developer Gravity Industries.The marine is seen effortlessly taking to the skies from one speed boat in a convoy.After landing on deck of the Royal Navy ship HMS Tamar, he throws down a rope ladder for then rest of the command to climb aboard.Gravity’s jet suit uses four arm- and back-mounted jet engines to produce over 1000 horsepower of thrust. TThe wearer can adjust their speed and trajectory by changing the position of their arms.Gravity Industries has quickly emerged as one of the biggest players in the jetpack field.The jet suit technology is being tested by emergency services such as paramedics and fire fighters as well as and military forces around the world.
OPS: The jetpack marine takes off from a speedboat convoy and heads for the ship
Picture supplied by Ferrari,Image: 609209593, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Gravity Industries / Ferrari / Profimedia