Sve djeluje poprilično nestvarno – u bazenu možete koristiti sve uobičajene sadržaje
Možete igrati stolni nogomet, sjesti na motocikl, sjesti na toalet školjku, uživati u fotografijama poznatih osoba poput Marilyn Monroe i Al Pacino, sjesti u automobil, sjesti na bicikl, igrati šah itd.
Bolje rečeno, ovo nije bazen, ovo je pravi podzemni potopljeni grad. Dubai će tako postati mjesto s najvećim neboderom na svijetu te s najvećim svjetskim trgovačkim centrom i s najdubljim bazenom na svijetu. Dubina bazena je pomalo nevjerojatnih 60 metara, a nalazi se kao dio atrakcije Deep Dive Dubai. Do sada je rekord držao poljski bazen Deepspot s 45 metara dubine.
Bazen Deep Dive Dubai napunjen je s 14 milijuna litara slatke vode, što je zapremnina šest bazena olimpijske veličine. Najmanje je četiri puta veći od bilo kojeg drugog ronilačkog bazena na svijetu. Guinness mu je 27. lipnja dodijelio naslov "Najdublji bazen za ronjenje".
Postrojenje je za sada otvoreno samo na poziv, ali javnosti će se otvoriti kasnije ove godine. Prijestolonasljednik Dubaija Šeik Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, zagriženi ronilac, bio je jedan od prvih posjetitelja i svoje je iskustvo podijelio na društvenim mrežama.
Temperatura vode održava se na 30 Celzijevih stupnjeva, što je ugodna temperatura za nošenje tankog odijela ili kupaćeg kostima. Bazen je smješten unutar građevine u obliku kamenice te ima površinu od 1500 m2. Ronioci mogu uživati u vrhunskim rasvjetnim i zvučnim sustavima koji stvaraju različitu atmosferu.
Treba istaknuti da je bazen istovremeno i filmski podvodni studio, a posjetitelje se zbog njihove sigurnosti nadzire s 56 kamera. U slučaju nužde za ronioce se može upotrijebiti hiperbarična komora u koju stane 12 ljudi.
Upozorenje: ukoliko u Dubaiju prvo planirate posjetiti bazen Deep Dive Dubai te zatim i najvišu zgradu na svijetu (Burj Khalifa, visina 828 metara), to se ipak ne preporučuje. Nakon zarona preporučuje se pričekati 18 do 24 sata prije nego se popnete na visinu veću od 300 metara. U obrnutom slučaju će sve biti u redu pa najprije posjetite neboder, a tek se onda zaputite u vodene dubine.
POGLEDAJTE FOTOGRAFIJE Zavirite u najdublji bazen na svijetu
Ferrari Press Agency Pool 1 Ref 13112 09/07/2021 See Ferrari text Pictures must credit: Deep Dive Dubai The world’s deepest pool has opened – and divers can play fussball and ride a bike at the bottom.The Deep Dive Dubai has a depth of 60 metres.That beats the current record holder, Deepspot in the Polish town of Mszczonów, at 45 meters.And it also trumps the recently announced £150 million GBP Blue Abyss in the UK which when built will be 50 metres deep.Deep Dive Dubai has been officially verified by Guinness World Records as the deepest pool.The Persian Gulf is a sandy and shallow basin so in order to provide divers with reliable training opportunities, the 60 meter pool was proposed.To prevent the pool becoming a s dull and sterile environment , international design teams and professional theming companies explored ideas for something unique.The development team was expanded to include world-record-setting explorer and aquatic pioneer, Jarrod Jablonski. The designers wanted something that could engage a sense of fun, intrigue, and fantasy while recognizing the important role diving has played in the history of the UAE. The deep fool is based around a modern sunken city for divers to explore. OPS: The Deep Dive Dubai pool themed around asunken modern city for divers to explore Picture supplied by Ferrari,Image: 620661864, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Deep Dive Dubai / Ferrari / Profimedia
Ferrari Press Agency Pool 1 Ref 13112 09/07/2021 See Ferrari text Pictures must credit: Deep Dive Dubai The world’s deepest pool has opened – and divers can play fussball and ride a bike at the bottom.The Deep Dive Dubai has a depth of 60 metres.That beats the current record holder, Deepspot in the Polish town of Mszczonów, at 45 meters.And it also trumps the recently announced £150 million GBP Blue Abyss in the UK which when built will be 50 metres deep.Deep Dive Dubai has been officially verified by Guinness World Records as the deepest pool.The Persian Gulf is a sandy and shallow basin so in order to provide divers with reliable training opportunities, the 60 meter pool was proposed.To prevent the pool becoming a s dull and sterile environment , international design teams and professional theming companies explored ideas for something unique.The development team was expanded to include world-record-setting explorer and aquatic pioneer, Jarrod Jablonski. The designers wanted something that could engage a sense of fun, intrigue, and fantasy while recognizing the important role diving has played in the history of the UAE. The deep fool is based around a modern sunken city for divers to explore. OPS: The Deep Dive Dubai pool themed around a sunken modern city for divers to explore. This is the entry to the main shaft Picture supplied by Ferrari,Image: 620662117, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Deep Dive Dubai / Ferrari / Profimedia
Ferrari Press Agency Pool 1 Ref 13112 09/07/2021 See Ferrari text Pictures must credit: Deep Dive Dubai/Jesper Kjoller The world’s deepest pool has opened – and divers can play fussball and ride a bike at the bottom.The Deep Dive Dubai has a depth of 60 metres.That beats the current record holder, Deepspot in the Polish town of Mszczonów, at 45 meters.And it also trumps the recently announced £150 million GBP Blue Abyss in the UK which when built will be 50 metres deep.Deep Dive Dubai has been officially verified by Guinness World Records as the deepest pool.The Persian Gulf is a sandy and shallow basin so in order to provide divers with reliable training opportunities, the 60 meter pool was proposed.To prevent the pool becoming a s dull and sterile environment , international design teams and professional theming companies explored ideas for something unique.The development team was expanded to include world-record-setting explorer and aquatic pioneer, Jarrod Jablonski. The designers wanted something that could engage a sense of fun, intrigue, and fantasy while recognizing the important role diving has played in the history of the UAE. The deep fool is based around a modern sunken city for divers to explore. OPS: The Deep Dive Dubai pool themed around asunken modern city for divers to explore Picture supplied by Ferrari,Image: 620662118, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Deep Dive Dubai/Jesper Kjoller / Ferrari / Profimedia
Ferrari Press Agency Pool 1 Ref 13112 09/07/2021 See Ferrari text Pictures must credit: Deep Dive Dubai/Jesper Kjoller The world’s deepest pool has opened – and divers can play fussball and ride a bike at the bottom.The Deep Dive Dubai has a depth of 60 metres.That beats the current record holder, Deepspot in the Polish town of Mszczonów, at 45 meters.And it also trumps the recently announced £150 million GBP Blue Abyss in the UK which when built will be 50 metres deep.Deep Dive Dubai has been officially verified by Guinness World Records as the deepest pool.The Persian Gulf is a sandy and shallow basin so in order to provide divers with reliable training opportunities, the 60 meter pool was proposed.To prevent the pool becoming a s dull and sterile environment , international design teams and professional theming companies explored ideas for something unique.The development team was expanded to include world-record-setting explorer and aquatic pioneer, Jarrod Jablonski. The designers wanted something that could engage a sense of fun, intrigue, and fantasy while recognizing the important role diving has played in the history of the UAE. The deep fool is based around a modern sunken city for divers to explore. OPS: The Deep Dive Dubai pool themed around asunken modern city for divers to explore Picture supplied by Ferrari,Image: 620662120, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Deep Dive Dubai/Jesper Kjoller / Ferrari / Profimedia
Ferrari Press Agency Pool 1 Ref 13112 09/07/2021 See Ferrari text Pictures must credit: Deep Dive Dubai The world’s deepest pool has opened – and divers can play fussball and ride a bike at the bottom.The Deep Dive Dubai has a depth of 60 metres.That beats the current record holder, Deepspot in the Polish town of Mszczonów, at 45 meters.And it also trumps the recently announced £150 million GBP Blue Abyss in the UK which when built will be 50 metres deep.Deep Dive Dubai has been officially verified by Guinness World Records as the deepest pool.The Persian Gulf is a sandy and shallow basin so in order to provide divers with reliable training opportunities, the 60 meter pool was proposed.To prevent the pool becoming a s dull and sterile environment , international design teams and professional theming companies explored ideas for something unique.The development team was expanded to include world-record-setting explorer and aquatic pioneer, Jarrod Jablonski. The designers wanted something that could engage a sense of fun, intrigue, and fantasy while recognizing the important role diving has played in the history of the UAE. The deep fool is based around a modern sunken city for divers to explore. OPS: The Deep Dive Dubai restaurant has windows on the pool Picture supplied by Ferrari,Image: 620662123, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Deep Dive Dubai / Ferrari / Profimedia
Ferrari Press Agency Pool 1 Ref 13112 09/07/2021 See Ferrari text Pictures must credit: Deep Dive Dubai/Jesper Kjoller The world’s deepest pool has opened – and divers can play fussball and ride a bike at the bottom.The Deep Dive Dubai has a depth of 60 metres.That beats the current record holder, Deepspot in the Polish town of Mszczonów, at 45 meters.And it also trumps the recently announced £150 million GBP Blue Abyss in the UK which when built will be 50 metres deep.Deep Dive Dubai has been officially verified by Guinness World Records as the deepest pool.The Persian Gulf is a sandy and shallow basin so in order to provide divers with reliable training opportunities, the 60 meter pool was proposed.To prevent the pool becoming a s dull and sterile environment , international design teams and professional theming companies explored ideas for something unique.The development team was expanded to include world-record-setting explorer and aquatic pioneer, Jarrod Jablonski. The designers wanted something that could engage a sense of fun, intrigue, and fantasy while recognizing the important role diving has played in the history of the UAE. The deep fool is based around a modern sunken city for divers to explore. OPS: The Deep Dive Dubai pool has coaches for children learning to dive Picture supplied by Ferrari,Image: 620662124, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Deep Dive Dubai/Jesper Kjoller / Ferrari / Profimedia
Ferrari Press Agency Pool 1 Ref 13112 09/07/2021 See Ferrari text Pictures must credit: Deep Dive Dubai/Jesper Kjoller The world’s deepest pool has opened – and divers can play fussball and ride a bike at the bottom.The Deep Dive Dubai has a depth of 60 metres.That beats the current record holder, Deepspot in the Polish town of Mszczonów, at 45 meters.And it also trumps the recently announced £150 million GBP Blue Abyss in the UK which when built will be 50 metres deep.Deep Dive Dubai has been officially verified by Guinness World Records as the deepest pool.The Persian Gulf is a sandy and shallow basin so in order to provide divers with reliable training opportunities, the 60 meter pool was proposed.To prevent the pool becoming a s dull and sterile environment , international design teams and professional theming companies explored ideas for something unique.The development team was expanded to include world-record-setting explorer and aquatic pioneer, Jarrod Jablonski. The designers wanted something that could engage a sense of fun, intrigue, and fantasy while recognizing the important role diving has played in the history of the UAE. The deep fool is based around a modern sunken city for divers to explore. OPS: The Deep Dive Dubai pool themed around asunken modern city for divers to explore Picture supplied by Ferrari,Image: 620662126, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Deep Dive Dubai/Jesper Kjoller / Ferrari / Profimedia
Ferrari Press Agency Pool 1 Ref 13112 09/07/2021 See Ferrari text Pictures must credit: Deep Dive Dubai The world’s deepest pool has opened – and divers can play fussball and ride a bike at the bottom.The Deep Dive Dubai has a depth of 60 metres.That beats the current record holder, Deepspot in the Polish town of Mszczonów, at 45 meters.And it also trumps the recently announced £150 million GBP Blue Abyss in the UK which when built will be 50 metres deep.Deep Dive Dubai has been officially verified by Guinness World Records as the deepest pool.The Persian Gulf is a sandy and shallow basin so in order to provide divers with reliable training opportunities, the 60 meter pool was proposed.To prevent the pool becoming a s dull and sterile environment , international design teams and professional theming companies explored ideas for something unique.The development team was expanded to include world-record-setting explorer and aquatic pioneer, Jarrod Jablonski. The designers wanted something that could engage a sense of fun, intrigue, and fantasy while recognizing the important role diving has played in the history of the UAE. The deep fool is based around a modern sunken city for divers to explore. OPS: The Deep Dive Dubai pool themed around asunken modern city for divers to explore. Entrance to the main shaft Picture supplied by Ferrari,Image: 620662128, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Deep Dive Dubai / Ferrari / Profimedia
Divers experience Deep Dive Dubai, the deepest swimming pool in the world reaching 60m, in the United Arab Emirates, on July 10, 2021. The city of superlatives, with the world's tallest tower among its many records, Dubai now has the deepest swimming pool on the planet complete with a "sunken city" for divers to explore.,Image: 620917551, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP / Profimedia
A diver experiencing Deep Dive Dubai, the deepest swimming pool in the world reaching 60m, photographs a waiter through a viewing glass, on July 10, 2021. The city of superlatives, with the world's tallest tower among its many records, Dubai now has the deepest swimming pool on the planet complete with a "sunken city" for divers to explore.,Image: 620917552, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP / Profimedia
A diver experiences Deep Dive Dubai, the deepest swimming pool in the world reaching 60m, in the United Arab Emirates, on July 10, 2021. The city of superlatives, with the world's tallest tower among its many records, Dubai now has the deepest swimming pool on the planet complete with a "sunken city" for divers to explore.,Image: 620917554, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP / Profimedia
Members of staff monitor the surface as divers experience Deep Dive Dubai, the deepest swimming pool in the world reaching 60m, in the United Arab Emirates, on July 10, 2021. The city of superlatives, with the world's tallest tower among its many records, Dubai now has the deepest swimming pool on the planet complete with a "sunken city" for divers to explore.,Image: 620917555, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP / Profimedia
Divers play mock chess while experiencing Deep Dive Dubai, the deepest swimming pool in the world reaching 60m, in the United Arab Emirates, on July 10, 2021. The city of superlatives, with the world's tallest tower among its many records, Dubai now has the deepest swimming pool on the planet complete with a "sunken city" for divers to explore.,Image: 620917556, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP / Profimedia
A diver takes pictures of another riding a mock bike as they experience Deep Dive Dubai, the deepest swimming pool in the world reaching 60m, in the United Arab Emirates, on July 10, 2021. The city of superlatives, with the world's tallest tower among its many records, Dubai now has the deepest swimming pool on the planet complete with a "sunken city" for divers to explore.,Image: 620917558, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP / Profimedia
A woman enters Deep Dive Dubai, the deepest swimming pool in the world reaching 60m, in the United Arab Emirates, on July 10, 2021. The city of superlatives, with the world's tallest tower among its many records, Dubai now has the deepest swimming pool on the planet complete with a "sunken city" for divers to explore.,Image: 620917559, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP / Profimedia
A diver experiences Deep Dive Dubai, the deepest swimming pool in the world reaching 60m, in the United Arab Emirates, on July 10, 2021. The city of superlatives, with the world's tallest tower among its many records, Dubai now has the deepest swimming pool on the planet complete with a "sunken city" for divers to explore.,Image: 620917912, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP / Profimedia
A diver experiences Deep Dive Dubai, the deepest swimming pool in the world reaching 60m, in the United Arab Emirates, on July 10, 2021. The city of superlatives, with the world's tallest tower among its many records, Dubai now has the deepest swimming pool on the planet complete with a "sunken city" for divers to explore.,Image: 620917914, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP / Profimedia
A diver rides a mock bike as he experiences Deep Dive Dubai, the deepest swimming pool in the world reaching 60m, in the United Arab Emirates, on July 10, 2021. The city of superlatives, with the world's tallest tower among its many records, Dubai now has the deepest swimming pool on the planet complete with a "sunken city" for divers to explore.,Image: 620917916, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP / Profimedia
A diver browses mock books as he experiences Deep Dive Dubai, the deepest swimming pool in the world reaching 60m, in the United Arab Emirates, on July 10, 2021. The city of superlatives, with the world's tallest tower among its many records, Dubai now has the deepest swimming pool on the planet complete with a "sunken city" for divers to explore.,Image: 620918696, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP / Profimedia
A diver uses a mock shopping cart as he experiences Deep Dive Dubai, the deepest swimming pool in the world reaching 60m, in the United Arab Emirates, on July 10, 2021. The city of superlatives, with the world's tallest tower among its many records, Dubai now has the deepest swimming pool on the planet complete with a "sunken city" for divers to explore.,Image: 620918698, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP / Profimedia
A diver captures images of a mock sunken city at Deep Dive Dubai, the deepest swimming pool in the world reaching 60m, in the United Arab Emirates, on July 10, 2021. The city of superlatives, with the world's tallest tower among its many records, Dubai now has the deepest swimming pool on the planet complete with a "sunken city" for divers to explore.,Image: 620918701, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP / Profimedia
A diver explores a mock sunken city as he experiences Deep Dive Dubai, the deepest swimming pool in the world reaching 60m, in the United Arab Emirates, on July 10, 2021. The city of superlatives, with the world's tallest tower among its many records, Dubai now has the deepest swimming pool on the planet complete with a "sunken city" for divers to explore.,Image: 620918703, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP / Profimedia
A woman enters Deep Dive Dubai, the deepest swimming pool in the world reaching 60m, in the United Arab Emirates, on July 10, 2021. The city of superlatives, with the world's tallest tower among its many records, Dubai now has the deepest swimming pool on the planet complete with a "sunken city" for divers to explore.,Image: 620918887, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP / Profimedia
A diver explores a mock sunken city as he experiences Deep Dive Dubai, the deepest swimming pool in the world reaching 60m, in the United Arab Emirates, on July 10, 2021. The city of superlatives, with the world's tallest tower among its many records, Dubai now has the deepest swimming pool on the planet complete with a "sunken city" for divers to explore.,Image: 621029727, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP / Profimedia
A diver explores a mock sunken city as he experiences Deep Dive Dubai, the deepest swimming pool in the world reaching 60m, in the United Arab Emirates, on July 10, 2021. The city of superlatives, with the world's tallest tower among its many records, Dubai now has the deepest swimming pool on the planet complete with a "sunken city" for divers to explore.,Image: 621029728, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP / Profimedia
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PROSJEČNO TUŠIRANJE TRAJE 8 MINUTA Ako se kupate, trebat će vam tablet
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